Tuesday 2 December 2014

Female appreciation levels

“I’m here for you if you don’t need me, darling.”

The below chart shows the relative male boyfriend effort levels in conjunction with how his respective girlfriend appreciates his efforts towards her within a 12 month time frame.  These endeavours could come in the form of money, time, energy, emotion, consideration, care, affection and compromise, but you usually find that a man who is giving in one trait follows a similar passive path elsewhere. 

Boyfriend 1 would be typical of a nice guy who has a default mechanism to role with the mentality of “the more I give, the more I’ll get back.”  Dynamics of this kind are pronounced with a guy who is boxing above his weight in physical attractiveness levels, therefore he believes he must go the extra yard to maintain her interest in him.  However, many men who are not with a better looking girlfriend also fall into this giving trap. 

As you can see, Boyfriend 1’s effort levels start high from the moment they start dating.  His girlfriend’s (Girlfriend 1) gratitude is pretty much in line with his early exertions, but as women usually have a commencing expectancy level that allows for the man to try harder, she pitches just below his efforts.  However, in terms of her emotion levels, this is fine for the first couple of months.  The big problems start for him when, due to leaving himself very little room for leverage within his plausible resources and natural character, she has become accustomed to all his early “loveliness” and expects more than once was.  This steady decline in her gratefulness will usually start around month 3, and pick up steam up to month 7.  In reality, most men wouldn’t even reach this far due the good feeling and ego no longer providing her with the primary emotion due to his nice ways.  In other words, the motivation to be with him has vanished.  Even when he steps up his sweat once more in attempt to rescue the situation, she will only remain at the stage that now takes him for granted.  If he raises the stakes once more, she will jump to a slightly higher mark in the relative low mood she is now at, but it’s a quick drop back down to where she was.

Basically, Boyfriend 1 pitched too high too soon, and he left himself with nowhere to go from there on in.  His girlfriend was inflicted with the positive early feelings that rule a woman’s mind, especially a woman who was indifferent about him in the first place, but she got so used to his early deliverables that the appreciation faded into the horizon.

Boyfriend 2 takes the strategy to start an even pitch.  He isn’t a jackass by having no concern to her needs, but he allows himself room for improvement.  This is the perennial man who has been the extreme nice guy in the past, and he will draw on the experiences that stay with him.  He knows it can be fatal to give too much from the starting line if it’s a woman foreseen as a long term partner.

 His moderate approach in the first 3 months is that of a lower scale than his girlfriend’s (Girlfriend 2) appreciation of him.  A woman can be so wrapped up in the infatuation of a fresh relationship that she is willing to give every bit as much as him to make it work.  Notice how Girlfriend 2’s starting appreciation is at the same level as Girlfriend 1, despite there being a whole 3 levels difference in the respective boyfriend’s effort grades.  It’s an important note to make and never be lost:
A woman will not leave a man, to a point, for doing too little for her if she is in love with him.  She will jettison from the bond because she never truly loved him in the first place, and she will use unsubstantiated and unfair fictitious reasons to justify her actions in order to maintain her integrity.

His sensible commenced effort gives him flexibility to crank it up if he starts to feel her insecurity.  This only makes her more gratifying of something special he does for her.  When he then tails back a notch, she will remember the good moment he brought because it was the exception, and not the expectant norm. 

The disparity is all there to be seen, and men around the globe will be able to relate to it from both ends of the spectrum.  When you did only a little early on, she consequently worked harder to earn your love.  There was the perfect balance between a man being a challenge to her, but likewise she didn’t feel drained.  When you gave too much too soon, she repelled after the good feelings went with the wind.  Two men deliver the same gestures, with the same amount of money, time and caress to go with it, yet the appreciation from the same woman can seem like a universe apart. 

It’s quite simple to digest.  If you offer in gallons when you open the book, she will repay in mere drops by the final page.

Timescale (months)


* *
* *

Male Effort Level








Boyfriend 1

Boyfriend 2
Girlfriend 1
Girlfriend 2

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