Friday 30 December 2016

What good guys should learn about girls who date jerks

"If you can't change for the better, don't change at all.”

Before I get into the nitty gritty of this post, take a look at the video link from the recent Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello song.  It is another case of a visual and verbal script that allows girls, young women, and god forbid older women post 25 years of age, to substantiate that when they fall for dense, low-life and loser jerks, it just cannot be explained and consequently all should be forgiven.  It’s just too complicated to explain, so says the song, and at the end of the day it can't be her fault…  Strangely, if a man falls for a hot bitch who treats him like dog poo, this is all down to stupidity and the brain ruled by his dick.  You just can't beat life's hypocrisy, can you?

In terms of the story within the video, it is very much in line with what I see on rare occasions.  The rarity has to be stressed, because although there is a much higher percentage of women who would like to date a jerk than women who would admit to this predicament, the simple reality is there are not even close to enough jerks out there to satisfy all these female seekers.  This is why so many women settle for boring nice guys who they don't truly want to be with. 

Although American readers of this blog will be far more qualified than me in commenting on the relationship dynamic seen in the video, based on observations from my visits over the pond it isn't uncommon to see a Latin American cute chick with a white jerk looking guy sporting numerous tattoos.  I guess it is all part of the revolt mentality that goes through the girl's little head of hers.  That is, not only does she want the danger and excitement of the bad boy, but she also wants the attention, challenge, and motivation deriving from the thought of pissing her parents and community off by dating outside her race.     

The numbers analysis

Many naive men (as the majority of men are naive in emotional terms and in understanding women) can be brainwashed by female conversation that most men are jerks and don't treat women the way they truly deserved to be looked after.  Any man believing these words based on agenda, convenience and bullshit will never have an ounce of success going forward.

The easiest way to establish how many jerks there are in the male society is to take a step back and think of 100 random men you know in your direct, or even indirect, weekly interactions.  How many of them would you class as jerks, whether this is based on perception, anecdotal reasoning, or facts?  What number do you think treat women like crap?  If answered honestly, I doubt this would be more than 10 of them.  If I'm right on this, and I'm pretty sure I am, this would mean that 9 out of 10 men are not jerks.  In fact, a good number of the remaining 90 men would be weak, nodding dog orientated nice guys.  This is why you should always take a woman claiming she has such bad luck with men, and who always ends up being treated badly, with a pinch of salt.  The reality, for reasons that have been explained before, is that she is seeking out this minority of male reputation, profile and character.  At the end of the day, it is her choice.  Pity her, and don't feel sorry for or rescue her. 

Can good guys date women who have dated jerks?

As a self-proclaimed good guy, the simple answer is yes, but tread carefully.  Women who have a history of dating jerks are notorious for being extreme drama-hunting (due to the danger that she can broadcast in a few thousand words to her friends) and attention-seeking (a by-product of the drama to show off her importance to the world) people.  I stress the word extreme, because in the day and age of social media et al, nearly all women of all beauty and ages, at least in the western world, have an element of dramatic and attention requirement traits.  But fortunately a decent percentage of them do see the sense before it is too late, and they keep these negatives in moderation. 

Women who have frequently dated widely sought after jerks are often hot, but not always.  The highest number of them will be cute (7/10 to 7.75/10), and this is down to 4 main reasons:
  • Cute women outweigh hot women by at least 10 to 1, therefore the sheer numbers alone manifest to produce a higher number of cute women with jerks than hot women. 
  • Hot women, and especially extreme hot women (>8.5/10) or hot women from more affluent backgrounds, will have a stronger tendency to sway towards higher status (both occupational and social status) and rich men.  Although the largest proportion of these men are older, much lesser looking, and perhaps overweight, some of this male compartment will be younger lookers too.  It's no coincidence that professional sports stars are nearly always seen with women of 8.5/10 or greater in physical attractiveness terms.
  • Cute women often feel a greater need to be a follower, whereas although not necessarily any more confident internally, hot women can portray an external front to be more independent.  This means that a cute woman will cling to a leader - the jerk - who takes her through the muddy waters more than a hot woman would be inclined to do so. 
  • Hot women have bigger egos and more fragile prides than cute women, therefore they don't take kindly to people thinking a man would treat them badly.  With this possibility in mind, her sexual impulses won't be dragged towards the jerk as easily as the cute woman can be hypnotized.   

So as a good guy, my recommendation would be to use the woman who has dated jerks as if you are a jerk too.  This isn't to mean you should totally change your character into a jerk, but it would be prudent to care little to the consequences and make your life the priority.  She can fit in to suit you.  In the bizarre way female emotional psychology works, contrary to them verbalizing that they love a man to worship the ground they walk on and prioritize them, you will find she is forever running back for more.

In fact, this approach would produce even greater benefits than being an extreme jerk.  Because although a woman who has a string of jerk history will never lose this mindset in fantasy terms, her age does convince the mind that continuing with the jerk process will only ever have a sad ending.  Either he dumps her due to a better option, or she dumps him as the once excitement has diminished and he has nothing left to offer her life goals.  So a more genuine and responsible, but equally edgy, man will reap these rewards brought about from her past poor choices.

What I would also add is to not give more than what the jerks gave to her in the past.  If she gave her heart, body and soul to men who gave little exertion in return, why should you be the one to supply the endeavour, time and money that they weren't prepared to expend.  Don't be the sucker to be drawn in by her words of "I've come to my senses and now need a man to treat me well."  This is as good as her saying she gave the jerks everything for nothing, and now she will only give it all (and probably less) providing the new man gives far more in justifying her company.  Leave these unproductive and white knight efforts to the clueless nice guys.

A final thought

Only a couple of days ago I was in a car parts retailer in Nottingham, when I saw a cute girl of 7.5/10 standing just inside the entrance foyer.  She was kitted up on a cold day with tight jeans, tidy shoes, and an impressive coat.  Long straight brown hair accompanied a natural pretty face.  A young man alongside her was wearing a tracksuit, and he was average looking at best.  His mate, of similar age and chavvy dress style, was shouting off at the member of staff about wanting a stereo or something replaced.  The assumed boyfriend kept a bit quieter, but still gave his two pennies from his thick, unintelligent voice.  She said something to them in slight criticism manner, not in as common an accent, but still enough for me know she wasn't from the best part of Nottingham.  I can remember shaking my head at her when she looked at me, as if to let her know she could do so much better. 

But some women never learn, or they learn too late.  They either settle down with a jerk because they know nothing else, or they date jerks beyond their female peak beauty.  By then, even fewer unwanted nice guys will be holding out the hand of saviour, let alone quality men some of these women could have actually attracted years before.


Tuesday 27 December 2016

Men maximizing their life timescale

"Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
(Norman Vincent Peale)

It was Friday 23rd December 2016, and a rare occasion when my managing director said we could depart a few hours earlier than the usual grinding working day.  In truth, it didn't bother me one way or the other, but I took advantage of the extra time to seek out the last minute Christmas presents for family members.

I went into a small town called Loughborough, simply because it is the closest shopping centre to my work location.  Loughborough attains the typical British small town mentality from a native's perspective, but I have to say that due to the high population of university students (it is the number one UK college for sport education), there aren't half some nice sights during academic season days.  It reminds me of Kent State in north-east Ohio, somewhere I visited back in October.  Unfortunately due to the Christmas break, this particular day did not belong to the usual female eye candy on offering. 

There is only one department store of note, and after a few minutes downstairs I went to the upper level and along the far end wall.  In other words, my peripheral vision was only at the men's socks.  No passers by could be seen.  I then heard a voice from behind say to me, "Excuse me, do you know where the headphones are?"  I looked behind me to see a woman who looked in her late 40s.  With the greatest respect, she looked exactly like you would expect a woman in her late 40s to be.  Before I even had chance to answer, she added, "Are they upstairs or downstairs."  After a couple of seconds pause, I replied, "I can't be sure, but my guess is downstairs."  I didn't have a clue where they were, but I had enough on the spot brain cells to live in hope that this was a hint for her to leave without delay.  Her final words were, "Ok, I'll keep looking." 

An easy self-doubting moment

A less smart man, and I would include myself from many years ago in this category, could have resigned himself into a puddle of self-doubt from this passing situation in his life.  Once a less clued up man passes 30 years of age, it can be an easy assumed belief or external brain-washed attempt (by both the media and jealous tied down friends with no options) that younger women, and even a fair share of women his own age, no longer find him attractive.  They will also try cunningly to sway men in the direction of older women, desperately promoting how these more "mature" women offer greater personality, stability, maturity and enjoyable company that younger women cannot supply.  In a lot of cases, they are right, however these hidden agenda mindset people conveniently disregard what men, and especially men with options, desire ahead of all the aforementioned "qualities".  As if it needs saying, but it can never be said enough - this is female youth and physical beauty. 

For a few seconds via the event, even I scratched my head in assessing what the hell had just happened.  Was it an illusion!?  Then I only had to recollect a night out from the previous Saturday in my home city of Derby to know that inundated women aged from late teens up to early 50s were giving me bed eyes and pretty much validation that I'm, objectively and visually if nothing else, a decent catch.  Don't get me wrong, and in the case of the younger group (in particular women aged 24 to early 30s, but some younger too), this doesn't mean that every one of them will take it further with me.  Far from it.  Female egos, insecurities, confidence and trust issues make sure of this.  But, from a standpoint of visuals only, it proved what someone had told me many years ago. 

The male sweet spot age

I always remember a gym buddy of mine, who had not long turned 30, telling me experiences from the last year of his life with women.  He mentioned how, once he reaches his late 20s to early 30s, a man is at his physical peak in terms of attracting women on the isolated visuals.  This isn't even going into how men should be elevating their earnings, status, assets, confidence and attitude in concurrent running time.  What this manifests in real life motion is female eyes from all age corners projecting onto him.  Younger women see a physical specimen that has fully blossomed from the perhaps once boyish (but too clean) appearance, and older women feel he is now physically and mentally mature enough to be alongside them.  In the case of the latter, this is just deluded wishful thinking, with little appreciation to what the man himself wants.

So I would recommend to any man to take advantage of this stage in his life.  Too many men take the normal path that is to settle down in their 20s with the first decent woman who will have him, only to later regret not taking a back seat.  Once in his 30s, this exampled man never reaches his physical appearance peak such is the fact he got lazy, haggard and fat due to poor diet, a lack of exercise and sleep, and becoming too stressed with the provisioning husband and father role.  If you ever see this man, absent of his wife, get crazy, drunk, and over-excitable at the Christmas party, you will know exactly why.  He is trying to make up for the life predicament he finds himself in. 

The female comparison

On the other hand, women peak far earlier in physical impressiveness terms.  The largest share (I'd estimate 70%) of women look their best between 18 to 23.  A smaller percentage (20%) of them peak between 24 to 28, with the majority being at the younger scale of this five year range.  This leave a glass half full 10% who can look just as good at 29 or early 30s, but don't expect this to be too many you see in your life, and furthermore, don't be surprised to see a steeper ageing decline once the 30th birthday has been celebrated. 

This will explain why nights out are top heavy in women aged 18 to 23, and women aged in excess of 35.  The young bracket are maximizing their sexual worth, and the by-product attention received from all men - but mainly loser or mediocre man.  The older bracket are mostly divorcees who left their boring husbands or, in fewer cases, whose higher calibre husbands left them for a younger female rival, and they live in vain hope that they can still attract the same men from their younger self of 10 or more years ago.  Life just doesn't work this way.

This leaves the middle bracket of women aged 24 to early 30s who you don't see as frequently in bars or clubs, but who you are more prevalent to observe in the restaurants along the same street with their male partners or in mixed groups.  You may also see these women in female group gatherings over Sunday morning breakfast tables.  In simple terms, women from 24 up to the late 20s/early 30s have given up on the bar scene for two main reasons.  First, they have become uncomfortable with younger, fresher and hotter women in their faces.  Second, they have tracked down a beta male (or in rare occasions, an alpha male) who will commit to them while their physical pinnacle is still hanging by a thread. 

In summary, I offer you a 4-stage pattern of where women fall into depending on age:
  • Women aged 18 to 23 fall into two categories.  There are those who are more interested in the receiving of eye contact and direct attention from men, and they are seen on nights out regularly.  Finding a quality man (aka the biggest well known jerk or local high status man) is an objective, but it is a secondary motivation to the "Me, me, me" good time feeling.  Many of these women place maximum emphasis on a man's physical attractiveness.  However, there are also as many women in this age bracket who prefer, or at least are more comfortable in, DVD nights and cinema outings with their boyfriend.  Usually, this boyfriend is just a run of the mill looking guy who is not desired by many other women, and a bit of a lapdog. 
  • Women aged 24 to late 20s/early 30s are in the settling down phase.  They are just as intrinsically hungry for sexual optimization and male physical attractiveness as their younger self, and they also still take fondly to male attention and compliments, but as they are aware the days are ticking to find the best male proposition, it takes on a lower priority than a ring on her finger, a wedding day to plan and, if not totally repulsed by him, an impending motherhood role.
  • Women aged 35 to 39 split into three categories.  First, there are those still (less so) happily married or (more so) married with content feelings towards her husband.  These women don't go out much.  Second, there are the divorcees, separated, or cheating women.  They are on the look out and trying to make up for lost time based on previous poor choices.  Third, there are the never married women who may have lost front-minded hope of meeting "the one", but still live in dreamland that their day will arrive.  It rarely does, without settling for far less than the movie she watched last night.
  • Women aged 40 or older have most likely given up all hope of finding a quality man to commit to them - at all or again.  They have probably, in some shape or form, lived in all three phases as highlighted above.  To make life that little bit less damaging to the ego, some of them will sleep with low calibre younger men – in allowing her mind to vainly believe she is still attractive due to younger men sleeping with her.  Some of these younger male losers may even commit to her.  Nevertheless, more likely is the scenario where she tracks down a man 10 or more years older than her.  She isn't into him physically, but the life he can give her - both economically and in companion terms - is better than spending weekends alone.

And finally....

At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, I couldn't help but ponder what the woman in the department store actually thinks, or what she thought might happen, as she strolled up towards me.  Over the last few years I've visited many cities in many countries, and noticed how I strike the attention of women belonging to all ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, skin colours and religions.  When time has allowed, sexual encounters have developed with some of them.  I get just as much back home in the UK, albeit often with that touch more hostility and jealousy.  I'm an honest and objective guy who knows the best life is ascertained from a mind that lives in reality, so I'd be doing myself no justice or good service at all if these comments are born out of fallacy to make myself feel better about things.  Ultimately, it is the truth.

This can only mean one of two things.  Either I am a top end good looking man, or these women who look at me are also looking at most other men.  The latter cannot be dismissed, but once more living in the real world, it is highly unlikely. 

So in summary, does this woman have an all guns blazing thought process in shooting for the moon, perhaps in a way that is accustomed more to how men aspire (although this is still a tiny minority of men who do hit on much hotter women)?  If so, I can only applaud her, especially if she takes the perspective route that focuses on the possibilities, no matter how remote, and not the outcome.  This is the attitude I like and adhere to. 

On the other hand, I don't know many women who can take rejection in its true context and not go running for the trenches in the aftermath of despair.  After all, this is why 99% of women, no matter how desperate they are for love, do not approach men.  The arrogant among them will tell you they don't approach men because they don't need to, and they have a point.  Such is the vast numbers of low quality, horny and desperate men that, up until the female of approximately mid 30s, there will always be more desirable women than sought after men.  But the honest among women will tell you exactly why they don't approach men they don't know on a personal level, or men who are on their physical attractiveness level or greater.  Their egos and prides couldn't take the cold feeling of a potential rejection.    

But then once the late 30s have passed, the average man starts to become at least as attractive - both in physical and overall terms - than the average woman.  When women have fewer options, they just so happen to take more chances.  Perhaps this explains everything in that passing moment last week...

Saturday 17 December 2016

Improving edginess and finding confident friends

“Money doesn’t make a man.  A man makes money.”

Reader Bryce asks a couple of questions:

Hi Vinay,

Glad to hear you are going down the Q&A path. I have lots of questions all of which I don't recall at the same time so I'll start writing them down when they come to mind.

I'll start with a couple.

1) How does one add edginess to his vibe? (especially for introverted guys)
I'm aware of working out more, but I completed most of that I'm weighing almost 210 pounds (muscular build)

2) How do you find high-self esteem & confident friends?
I have trouble when entering a group, some of the guys/girls will be intimidated and bad mouth me to the others, so they really haven't had a chance to get to know me yet.

Also friends before redpill days are really passive-aggressive, they don't like the improved redpill version that I became. This goes for family as well...some not all.


My response:

To the first question.  Introversion is something that most men are.  It pretty much goes in line with the beta to alpha ratio - around 85% to 90% of men are beta, and 10% to 15% are alpha.  In addition, and not to spoil the answer to your second question, it also aligns with blue pill to red pill men -  that is 90% of men are blue pill, 10% are red pill. 

I'd always recommend another read of this post I published when it derives to becoming more extroverted and edgy, although I will add more.  Edginess, in primary form, is the by-product of a not giving a crap attitude.  I concede this isn't always possible, especially in work environments when perhaps you need to act more beta, head nodding, accommodating, selfless, compromising and nice in order to achieve the best results for yourself.  Not always, but often.  But in the face of women, and attempts to attract them, they love the thought of trying to win a man over who comes across as indifferent.

The big caveat to this is the fact you are of blessed physical attractiveness level.  Although implementing anti-game would be advised to all men (bearing in mind the vast majority of men are average looking) for most of their interaction time with women, good looking men need to tread far more carefully with proactive game techniques.  As women are already in awe of these men, more frequent reassurance and vulnerability tactics need to be used, without being too much of a push-over.   

At the risk of once more creeping over to your second question, edginess can also be improved by belonging to a "popular" group.  I have never desired, on long term consideration, to get involved with these groups.  For one, I've never felt they are welcoming of my presence.  Average or above average looking men don't like better looking men creeping into their territory, due to inferiority, intimidation, and knowledge you will attract the same girls.  Second, these people tend to be unintelligent and up their own backsides, and basically not enjoyable company.  Third, people taking on this life physically age badly.  It is basically a short shelf life at the top.  Nevertheless, the shear magnitude of belonging to a well known male group does attract a high share of cute and hot women.  Like anything else, when a mentality of high quality female options is at a man's disposal, he naturally acts less caring to each one.  Once more, women are attracted to this.  Edginess again is the subconscious manifestation of options and apathy. 

Working out does add edginess, because working out alone gives off greater testosterone.  Seeing that muscular body will give you confidence beyond what you attained, and confidence brings out edginess.  Be careful on how much muscle you put on though.  For one, women do genuinely (even though most of them lie on emotional topics) prefer toned muscle over a beefcake portrait.  Also, as women are so insecure, many will turn their backs on sculptured male bodies in preference for flabbier and cuddlier male bodies that make them feel superior and comfortable.  So you have to make that decision.  By the way mate, how tall are you at that weight?  I'm on the surface of 6ft, 168 pounds, and in pretty good profiled shape, so for you to carry that out with an extra 42 pounds must mean you are tall.

Now bordering fully onto the second question.  Well I think I covered above why the average man or woman will not give you an opportunity to show your engaging character.  In essence, men are threatened by you taking away their girls, and women's egos and perceptions aren't comfortable with your existence.  Life is tough, isn't it...

Finally, yes, you have hit it on the head with your comment on the bulk of society.  Most people are blue pill believers, and despite the exposure and available sources towards red pill, the increase year on year of realists over conformists will be negligible.  I don't foresee a time in the near future to when this will significantly change, because whilst the average man is horny and desperate, he is always a sitting duck for a female contrived pregnancy.  Once a dad, he will sway even more to his feminine and weak side.  

Put yourself in a position where you are not afraid of the consequences.  This would be the greatest advice I could give for a man desiring to enhance his edginess.  Remove outcome dependence from the mind.  Again, this is why, by and large, a non-committed man will be more edgy than a married man. 

Saturday 10 December 2016

Height issue and closing the deal

“Within every conceived success, prepare for failure, but never pre-determine the failure itself.”

A reader makes some good points regarding the predicament he finds himself in, and asks for my take on things:

I have a question. I'm a 5'4 mixed male. I've put my pictures up on websites to be rated and my face routinely scores 8-10 (or on -tile websites 95-99-tile). I'm working on my body, as well. My current adonis ratio is 1.54, my shoulder -width- is 20.5 inches, etc. 

I notice that whenever I go out and hit on women, many do really seem interested but for whatever reason I can't close the deal. Even the times when I apparently come off like a creep, it legitimately seems like they're enjoying me or me touching them or whatever until a certain point. A lot of the time they will call me some stupid thing like 'Oh Mr. Cool' or whatever. 

Also, people in social groups --- just through my sheer presence --- I notice feel an urge to put me down about my height or to challenge me or whatever else. Like, my sort of cocky attitude maybe is a turn-off? 

On the one hand, I am being treated more or less like an afterthought as you can see. On the other hand, am I headed in the right direction and are these just growing pains? 

My response:

You come across as a very honest person, so as you will expect in being a regular reader of this blog, I'll give you total honesty in return. 

First, the good news.  Although I consistently write that high level male facial blessings and impressive body profile can be a disadvantage to a man in terms of women (mainly women post 23) being prepared to sleep, date, and be in relationships with him, they will often have greater resistance towards these men who are at least of average height (5ft 10").  Needless to say, a very good looking man with a stand out body of 6ft or taller sustains even more resistance and rejection, simply because the women he hits on will assume he is just after a quick pump and dump due to the vast options he attains with other women, and they think (rightly or wrongly) he is ultimately poor long term consideration.  High social status and fame, and to a lesser extent extreme wealth, mitigates this resistance significantly, but for the other >99% of men in the real world, this categorically applies.  So in a bizarre kind of way, your shortcomings in height terms eliminates this automatic female jealousy, hostility and dismissiveness on a majority scale.

On a not dissimilar analysis to the above, your "sort of cocky attitude" again gives you more leeway than a man equivalent to you who is 6ft tall.  Once more, a god gifted looking tall man acting with cockiness will come across as unattainable with >95% of women worth having (weirdly, men in this compartment have more leeway with past prime older women in their 30s and 40s), whereas a man of your height will actually be given a fairer chance.  

I'd always recommend cockiness over kiss-assing when it derives to a man acting around women, however unless you belong to a high popular local group, this cockiness can be counter-productive.  Despite some other blogs advising men to act like he owns the place he strides in, you have to remember that young women in this modern day - with all the pressures to look good that manifests in their growing self-consciousness and self-doubts - do not have much inner confidence.  Sure, most men can be fooled by the high fives, male ridiculing, looking down at mobile phones to convince herself she is so in demand, and inundated social media attention from the loser and mediocre male population, but this doesn't fool smart men like me.  An external front usually aligns to an internal lack of belief.  So I'd be careful on how far you take this cocky demeanour.

Male cockiness and male confidence can be distinguished and separated if used astutely.  You can act indifferent without being a role played jerk.  Talk to her without smiling too much.  Disagree without being too abrupt.  Be opinionated, but agreeable when necessary.  Talk about neutral environmental scenarios - not too much about her, but certainly not over-hyping yourself.  Act like she means something to you, without it coming across like she is the only girl in the world.  Reassure her at times, but never let her think you can't walk away.  Life is about a happy medium, mystique, and a level of unpredictability - and women love this approach in a man.   I feel like you may be swaying just a bit too far towards the cocky side.  If so, pipe it down a touch.  Forget the creepiness though to compensate.  Even Enrique Iglesias acting creepy and suck-up would be a turn off to cute and hot women.

Now to the not so good news, although I doubt this will come as much surprise to you.  Your height, in spite of the blessed face and good body, is a disadvantage to your romantic and sexual conquest prospects.  Most women will want a man taller than themselves, and in fact most women desire him to be at least 3 inches taller than her due to the high heel situation (so she is still no taller than him when wearing them).  This undeniable fact is relevant whether the man is ugly, average, or good looking.  Once more, high male social status, wealth and good attitude can make her compromise on her ideal male height, and in fact I have over the last few weeks seen about half a dozen bangable looking women with shorter guys.  Nevertheless, don't think this is a common theme.  Nearly all women, all else equal, want taller men.  Those women who say they aren't bothered are either lying or desperate for anything with a penis and a job. 

But this does kind of lead me onto my ultimate point and advice.  This is: valid screening you will need to put in place to improve your success to failure ratio.  A minority of cute girls (7/10 to 7.75/10, although rarely any higher), are to be seen with shorter guys.  These women are usually no older than 24, which is even better news for you.  If you have seen a girl in this bracket with a boyfriend around your height, have a quiet word with her using the tips as given above.  These women tend to be on the shy side, natural followers, and low in confidence (even lower than the low benchmark earlier explained!).  I can spot these girls a mile off, just by their weak body language, awkward and intimidated walk or stance, poor eye contact (at first anyway), and opportune moments to look at their phone (because they don't feel comfortable just mixing in).  As a guy of 6ft tall and of similar facial and body blessings to you, I wouldn't, despite my dick telling me otherwise, stand a chance with this kind of female character.  She wouldn't give me a chance.  

But you would.  Your good looks will strike her, but in the knowledge you aren't going to receive anywhere close to the female attention as a much taller man who looks the same as you, she finds you attainable and appealing (and hopefully sexually attractive too).  These are the fruits hanging off the tree that you should leap for.  

A couple of other brief points. 
First, your mention of not closing the deal.  Ask for her number sooner rather than later.  At least then you haven't wasted too much time elevating her ego, and it will also leave you with less resentment and more optimism for the next one.  Remember that women are attracted to men who go for what they want in the shortest timescale possible.  It's only women's egos that tell you the opposite applies.  This isn't being cocky.  It is being decisive. 
Also, give her a little line like "So do you feel like you can get past your perception and start seeing a man like me.  I guess if you are confident, you will."  This portrays a level of value on your side (that a woman needs to be confident to date you), in conjunction with giving her a little challenge in her mind.  Women love emotional challenge, and you have given her that task. 

Finally, as a mixed-raced guy myself, you still have to accept that a tiny minority of white women will still only date white men.  If so, these women aren't worth the time of your day.

Side note:
After nearly 200 posts and 350k words, this blog will be going down the line of reader Q&A.  So if anyone has a burning issue to get off their chest, I'll make efforts and time to reply in a post format.  I'll still look to write any subjects on my own behalf that hit me on any given day, but I think the last few years have more than given a good insight into the relevant subjects people were perhaps confused about or reluctant to face the truth.