“Do not be overcome by evil, but
overcome evil with good.”
A loyal, dedicated and inquisitive reader asks for my thoughts on the previous post.
I am surprised the 16-23 bracket isn't higher
for woman 1. I would have expected 60-70%. But looking back on my personal
experience the most obvious signs were/are from women in their 30s.
I had a few questions for you somewhat related to
this topic.
I notice generally, older/uglier/heavier women
seem more likely to appreciate a man's physical looks (or at least be more
vocal about it) than highly attractive or even above average looking women.
Is it because of
a) Do older/uglier/ heavier women have less to
lose and more to gain by catching the guy than the attractive girl so they can
"swing for the fences"? Ala your post about an ugly girl with 50/1
odds as opposed to an attractive girl with 2/1 odds betting on the horse.
b) Because the older/uglier/women have had less
butt kissing from men throughout their lives they have less of an ego and are
more secure (relatively speaking) compared to the attractive women?
c) It's a massive ego boost to the
older/uglier/heavier woman to land a good looking guy, so they will work to
reel him in and make it very easy for him?
d) They truly value male physical looks more than
the attractive woman?
Your post was very thought provoking and really
made me sit down and think. If you listen to all these red pill/black pill
pundits, and take what they say as fact, you'd assume the girls in the age
bracket 16-23, 90% - 95% would be woman 1 and clearly that is not the case.
My response:
Your comments sum up it up admirably. I will add in accordance:
a) In essence, you are right. An older/uglier/heavier woman will not receive the feeling of emotional rejection any better than a hotter woman, but on a bang for buck basis she will have more to gain (due to a greater leverage of self-importance) and less to lose (as she will have pretty much assumed she has no hope anyway) in being declined by a good-looking man.
b) Correct. Whilst I wouldn’t say the older/uglier/heavier woman is any more secure of herself in significant terms, the fact she hasn’t experienced the plaudits from female friends or male lapdog friends/boyfriends to illustrate her beauty, her ego isn’t as large, and her pride isn’t as fragile.
c) A cute or hot woman possesses her own validation and self-importance from knowledge of her own high scale physical looks. She does not need a good-looking man in her hand to verify this. An older/uglier/heavier woman, needless to say, has no such validation luxury. With this in mind, you find the less attractive women being more proactive, forthcoming and sexually easier than better looking women.
d) It’s important to emphasise that a cute or hot woman will value the sexual arousal and heart-racing feelings a top end physically attractive man will give her every bit as much as the lesser looking women you reference. I would go as far to say that said cute or, and especially, hot woman even values it more, such is the fact she can sniff closer reality to experiencing it for herself. Nevertheless, as explained in c), the distinction is the zealous approach a lesser looking woman will take in comparison to the better-looking woman.
Now on to your first paragraph – in relation to women aged 16-23. At the most, I could be stretched to a 50/50 split (bear in mind I documented in the post as 40% will act out as Woman 1), but no more than this. The fact I analysed from the female age of 16 also has a pronounced impact. At the female age of 16 to 18, the highest prioritised male metric is social status (even more so than from 19 to 21), but at that male age a young man’s physical looks portrays predominance as his social status anyway. Exceptions could be an ugly or mediocre looking male DJ, bartender, or similar local profile role. So ultimately a majority of 16 to 18 year old women will happily, and often eagerly, seek out the best-looking men.
Next, moving on to your comment about the pundits. All
I will say is, in respect to 16 to 23 year old women, two things:
1) If there are 90%-95% of women in this
age range who place ultimate priority on their sexual and heart racing requirements,
I would love to live in this world. I
most certainly don’t see it as the case.
I would have loved to live in this world during my University days if
so. Nevertheless, granted women at this
age do place a greater need for blessed male aesthetic value. It just isn’t near to the percentages these pundits claim it is.
2) These pundits must judge male physical attractiveness levels far more generously and compassionately than I do. I can only assume that what they see as an above-average looking man (7/10 to 7.75/10) to me is a good-looking man to them. If this is the case, then yes, you could argue the hottest women want to be with these men. But to me, these men are above-average only. This is why you see most 8/10 to 8.5/10 women with 7/10 to 7.75/10 men. And more than a few women opt to go below 7/10 too, which only further exemplifies Woman 2 as described.
and objectivity do not derive from wishful thinking. They are the product of facing up to the truth and reality, and the opening of
your eyes to what the world is really like.
A final thought
It should be pointed out, and for the purpose of not being misguided, that it is still only a small minority of older/uglier/heavier women who are more open, and often proactive, to the path towards the best looking men. Don't think there are hoards of these women going out their way to strike gold with the hottest men for the reasons as explained above. Most still won't, it's just that in percentage terms there will be more older/fatter/heavier women taking on this role than cute and hot women.
In fact, and I most certainly go from first hand experience, some of the most acrimonious, hostile, and sometimes physically aggressive (barging past me for no reason with robust contact) demeanour has come from the compartment of older/uglier/heavier women. I knew none of these women. I can only assume that I put their nose out of joint due to the inferiority complex placed on them, in addition to their perception of me being a playboy or golden balls who has everything he wants.
So whilst a hot guy can make a cute or hot woman feel less important about herself, he most definitely also manifests negative emotions onto the less attractive women too. It's just a different kind of negative emotion produced.
"These pundits must judge male physical attractiveness levels far more generously and compassionately than I do. I can only assume that what they see as an above-average looking man (7/10 to 7.75/10) to me is a good-looking man to them." Great point!! When I was younger I read somewhere about the rarity of actually seeing an 8/10 in person. The gentleman argued that "the most attractive woman you have ever seen was probably a 7". The older I got the more I realized that he was absolutely prescient! By the by, how do you taxonomically rate men's beauty; which is to say, where does an 8/10 man start for you?
ReplyDelete"Honesty and objectivity do not derive from wishful thinking. They are the product of facing up to the truth and reality, and the opening of your eyes to what the world is really like." How true!
On a related topic Vi, how much money(net worth & salary) do you think a good looking man should have in order not to lose consideration from 9/10 women(who tend to entertain and marry men of means)? In other words, how much money should a good looking man have so that he doesn't get past over by another man who is less attractive but considerably wealthier?
As you know, I'm as harshly judgemental and strict of women's physical attractiveness level as they come, but even I have to say that gentleman's comment of 7 being the most attractive woman you will have seen is considerably out of reality. I see thousands (hence cute women) of 7 grade in an average year, and, excluding the last year due to the pandemic/lockdowns, a couple of hundred women as 8s. If he had changed it to 9, then I would agree with him in terms of never seeing in real life (not on TV, magazines, internet etc...).
DeleteAn 8/10 man is that typical 1% rarity man. He stands out in a random 100 men, young or old, as he is clearly the best looking and most aesthetically gifted - facial, body profile and height collectively. He isn't film star looks like Enrique Iglesias or Jamie Dornan, but from a local town/city perspective that's your man. For the record, an 8.5/10 man replicates this explanation except he is that 0.33% (1 in 300) man at least.
Onto your excellent question. Finding an 9/10 woman when not living in the celebrity or local fame world (hence city/town professional soccer club) world would be extremely difficult. Also, a 9/10 woman will most likely opt for a 7.5/10 looking man, because remember she aint gonna look a like a 9/10 when she wakes up! Nevertheless, if a man was to pursue a 9/10 woman without being too concerned she will always look to upgrade in wealth terms, he would need to be on a $150k annual salary with assets in accordance. Rare women of 9/10 know they can demand and attain this, such is their rarity.