Saturday 25 June 2016

Brexit will impact on British women

“For things to remain the same, things will have to change.”
(Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, The Leopard)

As a person who studies economics, human social psychology, and women’s emotional behaviour, the Brexit vote has certainly made me analyze how the three factors will entwine.  Like a lot of short-sighted decisions people make in their life, often based on nothing more than a following mentality due to not having a mind of their own, the ramification will be short term pain before any long term gain.  The long term gain is not a guarantee, and it could prove to be the most foolish, naïve and regrettable choice many people will ever make.  As I often say - be careful what you wish for.

When I woke up on Friday morning and heard the result, it did come against the predicted outcome based on the expert opinions from the week that led up to voting day.  Then again, it didn’t come as a huge surprise to me due to being a British citizen who travels the length and breadth of the country and witnesses many people who live here.  There is a clear antagonism towards non-English speaking/foreign accented residents who have become customary in our everyday existence.  Since the last recession that commenced in 2008, a lower social class of person is now more prominent.  It’s no coincidence that tabloid newspapers far out sell business equivalents, therefore the average UK citizen isn’t going to be aware of how leaving the European Union will economically impact on their nation, yet this doesn’t stop them naively believing that being outside the EU will easily and significantly reduce future immigration. 

So ultimately you have a large proportion of British people lacking any true implicational knowledge, who blame the EU for the predicament we are in.  They don’t have the peripheral vision to see how it will negatively impact on them if departing.  I have never claimed to be the most patriotic person in the world, but yesterday made me feel even more ashamed of being British than ever before.  In truth, many people based their vote on a plausibly denied racist mentality.  I certainly don’t want to be part of that group.  At the end of the day, whether I die tomorrow, next month, next year, or in a few years’ time, I will have paid far more in taxes to this country than it will ever give me back in return, so not a tear in my eye is produced from such a mindset.

By the end of yesterday, I was 10% worse off than before waking up.  It was the weakest pound sterling in 30 years.  At one stage there was £140 billion wiped off the stock market, although a fraction was pulled back.  We have the terrifying prospect of Boris Johnson being our next Prime Minister.  Expect house prices to decrease by at least 15% over the next 5 years.  What has been a candidate employment market over the last couple of years will soon put the power back in the employer’s hands.  Don’t expect any big pay rises in the near future on the back of this.  Higher unemployment will follow, as fewer countries find it attractive to trade with, set up shop in, or import goods from the United Kingdom.  As for vacations, don’t cry when flights and accommodation now cost more than before, and the exchange return from your hard earned pound brings less.  For anyone who voted “leave”, your inspirational tick in that box produced all this, so I’ll not be pissing on your house fire any time soon.

And of many of the people who did vote to leave, there will have been a high number who it also will not affect.  Retired, or soon to be retired, people will still get their monthly retirement pay, and they need to worry little about what the future brings.  They can solely base their justification on trying to reduce immigration and benefits exhaustion, with next to no concern on how generations to come will suffer.  When their grandchildren and children cannot find a job in years to come, or they are taking on basic minimum wage, will these older people be ignorant and oblivious to their decision of a decade ago?  I would expect so, as they proudly sit on a beach, immune from any self-blame, in watching the world go by.   

How will it impact on women’s mate choices?

When I published this post back in 2014, it basically outlined how women’s male partner decisions had been impacted due to the economic downturn of that period.  I’m not at all saying this will have as huge an impact, but I could be wrong.  Britain is still the 6th (was 5th, but Brexit put paid to that) biggest global economy if seen upon as a single nation, and it could go beyond just British female choices in men.

Because in an economic climate that involves high unemployment, low wage growth, higher mortgage rates, difficulty for first time house buyers stepping onto the property ladder, and reduced disposable income, women reluctantly are forced to seek out giving, passive, providing and (usually as the consequence) unchallenging and boring men. 

There has, from my observations, been a slight increase in attractive women seen out and about over the last year, and I think the single most important factor to this sharp eyed viewing is because for the first time in nearly half a dozen years, women – due to an improved economic climate – have been able to walk on their own two feet in terms of employment and residence purchasing.  When this positive move in finances is available, women are less necessitated in having to settle for men they are not sexually into.  So when women are trying to impress more sought after men, in respect to both male good looks and overall partner desirability, they will strive harder to look good aesthetically.  There will always be far more pretty women than desirable men, so the end product due to fierce competition is for women to maximize their main selling point – hence their beauty. 

But Brexit will conceivably put, at the very least, the brakes on this dynamic.  If women go back to struggling on financial levels, and let’s not forget that the vast majority of women are hardly high flyers in career terms, then they may just be involuntary inclined to settle for the provisioning man once more.  This may take a year or so to kick in, but rest assured that it will do so.  Once again, nobody is the winner out of this sad day.

The word “leave” has been mentioned more recently than a bored woman thinking about it with the husband she never loved.  I know there are a lot of readers of this blog from around the world, therefore for what it’s worth I apologize on behalf of not so Great Britain.  If a half-decent opportunity came about to leave myself, I’d be on the next plane.

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